
MRDT-50 Differential Blackbody

Saves you time and money by arriving at accurate set-point temperature in less than a minute!

This thermo-electric powered Blackbody provides both hot and cold operation. Originally developed for its high slew rate and rapid settling time, it is ideal for two point calibration of infrared cameras. However, its ability to achieve set-point temperature in less than a minute makes any IR lab calibration that much faster.

The MRDT-50 pictured at left includes a USB cord which plugs directly into any Windows PC. The device operates using its own accompanying software interface to allow for fast automated control.

MRDT-50 Specifications

  • Slew rate: +0.10° C/s, -0.08° C/s
  • Stability: 0.005° C rms (±0.01° C p-p)
  • Emissivity: >0.95
  • Max/Min Temperature: 65° C / 5° C
  • Set point resolution: 0.01° C
  • Differential Accuracy: 0.01° C
  • Dimensions:
    • Blackbody: 4” x 4” x 6”
    • Controller: 7” x 4.5” x 10.5”
  • Face dimensions: 2.1” x 2.1”
  • Weight:
    • Blackbody: 3.5 lbs.
    • Controller: 4.3 lbs.
  • Environment: 60° C to -20° C
  • Power In: 120/240 VAC, 40 W

Thermographic Photo of the Differential Blackbody MRDT-50 taken at 23.6 C°

Components of the Differential Blackbody MRDT-50 can be customized to meet your unique needs. If you have a specific requirement that differs from the described device, let us know and we will design a custom solution that suits your specifications.

Variable Frequency Targets:

Bodkin MRDT-50

Product Datasheet available for download:

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