
Case Studies

Bodkin Design has been developing custom engineering solutions, sensors, and devices for our customers for over twenty years. Below are descriptions of a few of the customer-driven solutions BD&E has produced. These samples represent a cross section of the many diverse technical areas which we have explored, and underline the diverse skills of our scientists, engineers, and creative designers.

Bodkin Design & Engineering is certified to manufacture healthcare devices by TÜV Rheinland under UL standard 61010-1 (2004).

Optical Biosensor

A leading instrument manufacturer had a concept for a new osmometry instrument for medical diagnosis. The system was to determine the freezing point of minute bio-samples via optical scattering. The client’s expertise was in chemistry, thermal control, and measurement. They sought BD&E’s expertise to augment their in-house capabilities to develop the electro-optical components of the system.

Dehydration Sensor for Infants

BD&E developed a unique prototype biomedical sensor to monitor Capillary Refill Time in infants optically. This project was undertaken in partnership with Dr. Vassillios Bezzerides, who invented the device, at Boston Children’s Hospital, and CIMIT in Boston, Massachusetts to measure dehydration in infants.

Multiplex Immunoassay Platform

A prototype device was designed and developed in conjunction with Boston University and Zoíray Technologies to detect or quantify a specific analyte in bodily fluids using an immunological reaction. The device is primarily used for reproducibly measuring high-throughput protein biomarkers. Integrated into a compact unit, the system automatically performs specimen delivery, optical interrogation, specimen disposal, reagent introduction, and sample analysis.

Spectral Reflectance Imaging Biosensor

The Spectral Reflectance Imaging Biosensor (SRIB) is a multiplexed immunoassay platform for life science research and clinical diagnostics. Immunoassays that identify the presence of specific protein biomarkers in blood, urine, or saliva constitute a vital tool in modern healthcare.

Automated Railroad Retarder

BD&E has developed products for heavy industry application. This Automated Railroad Retarder functions by slowing car motion via pressure on the wheel flange.

Gas Sampling Optical Cell

The client was developing a handheld Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) gas analyzer for measuring the chemical composition of automobile exhaust. BD&E was approached to reduce the length of the sample tube and improve the sensitivity of the measurement.

Manual Power Generator

This device is a hand-portable, manually powered electrical source. It can interface with all portable electronic equipment. The Patented (P/N 7,157,802) device provides up to 500 watt-minutes of electricity.

Portable Laser Trimmer

The portable laser trimmer is a microscope imager that allows for the repair of defects in smart window circuit elements.  The apparatus permits flaws to be identified and isolated from the circuit by use of the integrated laser trimmer.

Spectral Analysis of Hyperspectral Imagery (Flash Presentation)

Brief presentation about the analysis of Hyperspectral street traffic imagery. See the VNIR-20B Hyperspectral Datacubes section for example data.

Hyperspectral Munsell Chart Data (PDF)

Brief analysis of Hyperspectral imagery taken of a Munsell Chart.  See the VNIR-20B Hyperspectral Datacubes section for example data.

Fiber Optic Router

The client wanted ray-trace confirmation of the optical through-put of their micro-optic switching matrix prior to releasing the design for prototype fabrication. This MOEMS-based switch was the key component for their high-speed router for an all optical fiber network.

LWIR Imager

Bodkin Design & Engineering (BD&E) developed technology for a LWIR imager for integration with the next generation of the Javelin Missile system for the US Army. The system includes networking and laser range finding capabilities for far-target location. The prototype developed by BD&E is based on an uncooled design which reduces power consumption requirements, weight, and the number of batteries needed by soldiers in the field.

Unattended Ground Sensor

The client wished to enhance the capabilities of its acoustic unattended ground sensor with day/night imaging. They used BD&E’s expertise in electro-optics to augment their in-house skills to develop an acoustically cued infrared reconnaissance system.

OmniSpotter Vis/LWIR Camera

The OmniSpotterTM Vis/LWIR Zoom Camera provides co-registered visible and infrared imagery for long-range observation (1 to 20 km) through a single common aperture. Its unique infrared zoom module provides diffraction-limited performance with a 3x continuous-zoom magnification. The camera design is modular, allowing for the interchange of fore-optics and detection modules to meet specific application needs.

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